Posture, Rehab & MCE – *Pt 6
[3 CEU HRS] The Most Essential Motion: Breathing

Posture, Rehab & MCE – *Pt 6
The Most Essential Motion: Breathing
Retraining both biomechanic and behavioral patterns of breathing are essential for effective rehab of any exercise involving the core… which is nearly all rehab.
The StrongPosture® model & protocols actionably integrate breath control first by documenting each individuals functional baseline of breathing with their postural balance, alignment and core motion.
Then, “the test becomes the exercise, and the exercise the test” by empowering people to correct subtle functional deviations of motor patterns towards accuracy and control by systematically correcting their somatic perceptions to objective reality with MUST vs TRY cues.
Course Reviews
Patients love it
"Our patients love the StrongPosture program and we have it included in 80% of care plans." Thanks for such a solid program. ~Robert Thoma, DC
Available 24/7
"Liking the course and so happy as a working mother of three I'm able to do it on my own time after the kids go to bed." ~Dr. Tobi Sheiker
Rehab protocols that work
"StrongPosture protocols are the perfect tool for stabilizing the spine and the core while teaching patterns of motion to train whole body control." ~Michael McMahan, LMT
Frequently asked Questions
Course Approvals
How long do I have access to the course?
You have 1 year to complete this self-paced course. Be sure to finish the course before your license renewal date.
What if I need help?
We’re here if you need help. Live chat, email or call to speak with one of our course counselors.
What is the course format?
The course is an engaging video format. You may complete as much or as you like during each session. When you login next time your course will automatically pick up where you left off.
Posture and Balance Assessment, Rehabilitation & Motor Control Exercise [Part 6]
Course Curriculum
Get Started
Posture & Breath Connections
Respiratory Physiology
Biomechanics of Breathing in Modern Life
Forward Head Breathing
Postural Subtleties: Sway
Breathing Stronger & Vital Capacity
Subtle Muscle A&P
Documenting Breath Subtleties
Attentional focus
A&P: Diaphragm is More than a Muscle
Mechanics of Breathing II
Patterns of Posture & Breath
Strengthening Balance to Strengthen Breathing
Documenting Respiration
Restoring Motion to Strengthen Function
The WHY of Ethical Practice
Integrating Passive & Active Therapies
Forward Head Breathing – Ethics of BPS Empowerment
Somatic Attentional Focus
Feeling your Feelings – Body, Mind & Brain
Stabilizing with Uncertainty
Documenting Breathing
Breathing Tech
Should DCs & SMT Practitioners Document Breathing?
Everyday Strategies to Strengthen Breath & Posture
AARP on Breathing
How to Change People’s Habits
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