
Posture, Rehab, & Motor Control Exercise | GA 8 HRS [4 Clinical, 4 Ethics]

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $96.00.

8 CE HRS GEORGIA (4 CE Clinical, 4 CE Ethics/Risk)  GA #2024-1938 – Postural health is crucial for overall wellness, with sedentary habits and poor posture linked to health issues and early mortality. As technology use contributes to posture-related problems, chiropractors have an ethical responsibility to promote postural awareness and self-care. This involves treating existing issues through manipulative therapies and educating patients on alignment, movement patterns, and exercises. This holistic view of care aligns with public health interest in non-pharmaceutical pain management and wellness.


8 CEU HOURS  - [4 Hours Clinical, 4 Hours Ethics/Risk]  GA #2024-1938

Current research, DCs, other healthcare providers and increasingly the general public as well all acknowledge the importance of exercise and staying in motion…and all motion begins. Which is why promoting postural health and self-care is an ethical responsibility as well as societal opportunity for doctors of chiropractic.

Posture and sedentary habits are being strongly linked to disease as well as early mortality (i.e. Biswas 2015, Lynch 2015). As people age the consequences of current society's tech habits (ie text-neck, computer-back, etc) are increasingly showing epidemiologic risk. Along with the rising meme of effective exercise and active lifestyles to avoid degenerative disease and age successfully, the social media meme of sitting as "the new smoking" can align biomechanically based, evidence oriented soft tissue focused therapists and clinicians around posture as a unifying concept.

Postural care through life should be a public health concern effort for all NMS professionals, but especially for DCs focused on restoring segmental motion. In addition to muscular, fascial and and other passive manipulative soft tissue therapies to restore potential motion, the posture specialist practice should retrain global patterns of movement and promote personal agency by educating and empowering patients/consumers with self-care techniques and exercises for non-pharmaceutic pain control/management.

Daily posture exercise with congruent ADL modification and training along with periodic posture re-exams can help people move better and exercise more effectively to actually look and feel better. Patient-friendly concepts of postural bio-mechanics along with commonsense principles provide a framework to educate people for actionable postural self-care, and encourage them to adopt intelligent postural habits. The goal: Promoting personal agency to help people move well, avoiding factors of chronicity including micro-trauma and pathologization, to optimize performance and healthy choices for bio-mechanic wellness.

Posture is a consumer concern which will inevitably grow as boomers age and their posture degenerates. People are excited with increasing posture awareness and as they experience objective functional improvement in how they move during normal activities with StrongPosture® exercise.

From evidence based back pain relief to sports performance and wellness, the Posture Specialist is 21st century market identity helping people move well.