Maryland Chiropractic Continuing Education

Earn online CE hours from Baltimore, Frederick, Gaithersburg or Anywhere

Maryland Chiropractic Continuing Education Requirements

Maryland requires 48 hours of CE every 2 years by Aug 31 (odd years).

Special Requirements:

  • 3 hours in communicable-disease and sanitary procedures
  • 1 hour in diversity education
  • 3 hours in risk management
  • 1 hour in jurisprudence

Online Chiropractic CE for Maryland

MD Board allows 48 hours to be earned online per renewal period.
  • Our CE Sponsor: University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College.
AK chiropractic continuing education ce soup

Maryland Special: 36 Hour Bundle!

Posture, Soft Tissue, Osteoporosis Bundle | 36 HRS

 $599.00   –   ENROLL >>>

Individual Online Courses

Prefer to take just a few at a time? Choose from these on demand DC credit hours.

Posture, Rehab & MCE – Part 1

[3 CEU HRS] See, experience and communicate posture in a whole new way with StrongPosture® protocols. Part 1 covers research supporting common-sense bio-mechanics, and teaches you to engage people with pra…

Dr. Steven Weiniger, DC, DIANM

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State Approvals

Do you have chiropractic licenses in multiple states?

Take one course and apply it to all of your license renewals! Click the titles below to see state approvals for each program.

Course: Posture, Rehab & MCE


Alabama Kansas Ohio
Alaska Maine Oklahoma
Alberta Maryland Ontario
Arkansas Massachusetts Oregon
Arizona Michigan Pennsylvania
British Columbia Minnesota Rhode Island
California Missouri South Carolina
Colorado Montana South Dakota
Connecticut Nebraska Tennessee
Delaware Nevada Texas
D.C. New Hampshire Utah
Florida New Jersey Vermont
Georgia New Mexico Virginia
Hawaii New York Washington
Idaho North Carolina West Virginia
Illinois North Dakota Wyoming
Iowa Nova Scotia

 Additional Countries

Australia Germany New Zealand
Austria Greece Norway
Belgium Hungary Poland
Canada Iceland Spain
Cypress Ireland Sweden
Czechia Liechtenstein Switzerland
Denmark Luxembourg Turkey
Estonia Malta United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands

*States not yet listed are pending approval please contact us to verify approval.

Course: Osteoporosis


Arkansas Maryland Ohio
BC Massachusetts Oklahoma
California Michigan Oregon
Colorado Minnesota Ontario
Connecticut Missouri Rhode Island
Delaware Montana South Carolina
D.C. Nebraska South Dakota
Florida Nevada Texas
Georgia New Hampshire Utah
Hawaii New Jersey Vermont
Idaho New York Virginia
Illinois North Carolina Washington
Iowa North Dakota Wyoming
Kansas Nova Scotia

Additional Countries

Australia Germany New Zealand
Austria Greece Norway
Belgium Hungary Poland
Canada Iceland Spain
Cypress Ireland Sweden
Czechia Liechtenstein Switzerland
Denmark Luxembourg Turkey
Estonia Malta United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands

*States not yet listed are pending approval please contact us to verify approval.

Course: Management of Soft Tissue Conditions


Alabama Kansas Nova Scotia
Alaska Maine Ohio
Alberta Maryland Oklahoma
Arizona Massachusetts Ontario
Arkansas Michigan Pennsylvania
British Columbia Minnesota Rhode Island
California Missouri South Carolina
Colorado Montana South Dakota
Connecticut Nebraska Tennessee
Delaware Nevada Texas
D.C. New Hampshire Utah
Florida New Jersey Vermont
Georgia New Mexico Virginia
Hawaii New York Washington
Idaho North Carolina West Virginia
Illinois North Dakota Wyoming

 Additional Countries

Australia Germany New Zealand
Austria Greece Norway
Belgium Hungary Poland
Canada Iceland Spain
Cypress Ireland Sweden
Czechia Liechtenstein Switzerland
Denmark Luxembourg Turkey
Estonia Malta United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands

*States not yet listed are pending approval please contact us to verify approval.

CE is Sponsored by University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College (UBCC) for 2024/2025. The above is our understanding of current state law and approvals. Please check with your state board for any recent updates or changes to state law and continuing education requirements or approvals. For more details on course approvals for each state, please see our Course Approvals page.

Course Reviews

Considering taking online chiropractic CE for Maryland license renewal? Our courses are popular with chiropractors. Check out what other clinicians are saying.

The program exceeded my expectations.

Ted Forcum, DC

Portland, OR

My practice will be immediately better and patients healthier because of this seminar.

Matt Ritter, DC

Espy, PA

I thought it was excellent. I learned that rehab posture exercises don’t really take that long and can be implemented easily and are very beneficial.

Trudy Raiford, DC

Metairie, LA

CPEP® Posture Specialist Training

CPEP Posture Specialist Certification training sets the standard for rehab, wellness, performance and active aging. Elevate your practice with a bio-mechanical model and focused-motion exercise to strengthen posture while improving balance and functi…


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Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners

The Maryland Department of Health, State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, consists of seven volunteer members, including licensed chiropractors and consumer representatives. Their main objective is to safeguard the public by ensuring that chiropractors and chiropractic assistants are appropriately licensed, trained, and educated. The Board oversees licensing functions, including the enforcement of continuing education requirements, and conducts investigations and disciplinary hearings in response to any violations of relevant laws and regulations. The offices of the Board are located in Baltimore, MD.

MD Chiropractic Associations

Maryland Chiropractic Association

The Maryland Chiropractic Association (MCA) advocates for the chiropractic profession through professional lobbyists who engage with legislators, attend important functions, and build relationships for effective advocacy. They maintain regular communication with the Maryland Insurance Commissioner and insurance carriers to address concerns. The MCA also organizes educational seminars for members and actively participates in Board of Examiners meetings to represent member interests. Their efforts ensure qualified candidates are chosen for board positions, promoting sound decision-making. The MCA, located in Forest Hill, MD, is dedicated to supporting its members and advancing the chiropractic profession in Maryland.

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Explore ideas to keep your chiropractic practice fresh and exciting. New practice building tips, social media strategies, and patient rehabilitation ideas are added weekly. Keeping staff engaged and improving patient outcomes is essential in the current healthcare environment.